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About the big war and "mosquito squadrons"

The Kremlin's top brass, led by Putin, has unleashed a war in Ukraine, a bloody tragedy of which Europe has not known for almost eighty years! War and humanity, of course, are incompatible concepts, but nevertheless, international norms put the peaceful population and civilian objects outside the brackets of war and cannot be military targets.

About the big war and "mosquito squadrons"
About the big war and "mosquito squadrons"

Russia's political and military leadership, flouting all international humanitarian norms, regularly orders the shelling of Ukrainian cities with a kind of "enthusiasm". The Russians have been very "successful" here, launching massive missile strikes against Ukrainian civilian infrastructure almost every day. Rarely a day has passed in Ukraine for a year and a half without the roar of air raid sirens. And it is worth noting here that the destruction and loss of life among Ukrainian civilians could have been much greater if it were not for the air defenses provided to Ukraine by the collective West. It is hardly wrong to say that Ukrainian servicemen - defenders of the sky - have demonstrated to the whole world the highest professionalism and efficiency in the use of the most diverse samples of Western air defense equipment, from machine guns to Patriot. In general, we recognize that today the Ukrainian army is one of the most combat-ready in the world.

Of course, given Russia's incessant missile terror, as part of the defensive war, which has become a truly domestic war for the Ukrainian people, Ukraine is simply obliged to exercise its legal right to strike enemy territory. Obviously, Russia, having started the air war first and continuing to wage it, must reap its consequences.

A few words should be said here about the type of weaponry that this war has given a powerful impetus to development. We are talking about unmanned aviation, drones. Actually, drones themselves are a well-known technique and have been "serving" in the army for a long time. But the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has forced a new look at the areas and tasks of its use. They turned out to be quite diverse - from observation of the immediate tactical situation and target designation, reconnaissance, to precision strikes deep inside the enemy's territory. Obviously, this is why drones are now a separate branch of the armed forces in Russia.

The Ukrainian side has also given this weapon a lot of attention. The events in eastern Ukraine in 2014 actively contributed to the acceleration of the development and production of Ukrainian drones for various purposes. The current war has further intensified the activities of Ukrainian engineers to modernize existing and create new drone models to meet the current challenges of repelling Russian military aggression.

And it seems that the Ukrainian side has achieved success. The events of the past month have clearly testified to the fact that Ukraine can effectively carry out drone strikes deep inside Russian territory. Except that, unlike Russia's indiscriminateness and "omnivorousness", Ukraine adheres to the norms of international law and does not attack the civilian population and civilian infrastructure of Russia.

Analysis of the objects on the territory of the Russian Federation that were hit by drone strikes shows that these are objects of purely military purpose, such as airfield infrastructure, Russian military aviation taking an active part in the aggression against Ukraine, as well as military production facilities of Russia.

Obviously, by solving these problems Ukraine is also solving another one at the same time - the depletion of the Russian air defense system. No, perhaps not just one! Another equally important political task is being solved - it is demonstrating to the Russian population that the war that their leadership unleashed in Ukraine, its destruction and casualties, can be in Russia as well. And you know, the feeling of impunity disappears in many people. Perhaps the lessons are very revealing... Here I would like to say that all the targets on the territory of the Russian Federation were hit by small-sized Ukrainian drones, which, accordingly, are not capable of carrying a significant combat load. Ukrainians have once again demonstrated their military skill, which consists in the tactics of drone use and accuracy of their guidance, which allowed even with a minimum weight of the combat unit to achieve the necessary results for the defeat of objects. This is truly an example from the Bible of David defeating Goliath.

It is worth mentioning one more "drone" aspect. It is no secret that Western partners have provided Ukraine with high-precision missiles of quite a significant range to hit ground targets. However, Ukraine does not use these weapons for attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation, using them exclusively to hit Russian military facilities located in the temporarily occupied territories. And no matter how hard Russian propaganda tries to inflate the thesis that Russia is at war with NATO, weapons produced in Alliance countries are not used on Russian territory.

But propaganda does not remain "without bread". For the sake of forming an image of the enemy in the person of Ukraine, TV studios "create" non-existent attacks by Ukrainian drones. Actually, it cannot be otherwise, because revenge is one of the main engines of war... However, against the backdrop of growing Russian financial and social instability, there are some "partisans" who add fuel to the fire by conducting drone attacks, pretending that they are Ukrainian. However, the results of such "partisanship" are only to Ukraine's benefit.

What I would like to say in conclusion. It is now quite realistic that the results of large battles and confrontations will be largely decided with the active assistance of "mosquito squadrons" or "swarms" of drones. And the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine has become another impetus in the development of these technologies. War at all times gave an impetus to the transition of technology to a new higher level. Of course, the role of the soldier will remain the main one, but the outcome of the military campaign will depend on what he will be given in his hands, a stick or a high-tech weapon. Let us wish Ukrainians success in making technological breakthroughs for the sake of achieving the great goal of Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity.


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