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Boris Johnson's lies finally exposed in official report

The final report of the UK Parliament's Committee of Privileges clearly establishes that Boris Johnson lied in the Partygate scandal, and showed 'contempt' of Parliament.

Boris Johnson, in London, United Kingdom, March 22, 2023. ALBERTO PEZZALI / AP

That outburst certainly worsened his case in the eyes of the committee. Chaired by a Labour MP, Harriet Harman, but with a Conservative majority, it found that Johnson had not only repeatedly been "in contempt" of Parliament by lying about the parties when he knew they existed and were breaking the rules, but also by "being complicit in the campaign of (...) intimidation" against the committee.

One of the worst offenses an MP can commit

The committee recommended that Johnson be suspended from the House of Commons for 90 days (a moot point in any case, given that he has resigned), but also proposed that, breaking with usual practice, he should be stripped of his former Member's pass giving him access to Westminster.


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