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Deliberate Genocide: Russians Shell Civilian Infrastructure in Kherson Region

On September 27th, the occupied part of the Kherson region, including the city of Kherson itself, experienced particularly severe shelling. In total, the Russians fired 604 projectiles, with 33 of them directly targeting Kherson.

In addition to artillery shelling, there were recorded launches of guided aerial bombs. As a result of these incidents, 2 civilian residents of the region lost their lives, and 1 was injured. Russia is escalating terror in the frontline cities of Ukraine, attempting to make civilian life unbearable.

Russians are converting Soviet FAB-500 aerial bombs into guided ones to compensate for the shortage of cruise and ballistic missiles. Some of these bombs were manufactured over 70 years ago. They are equipped with wings and GPS navigation systems and possess tremendous destructive power. The use of such weapons within populated areas constitutes a war crime. The Southern grouping of Russian occupying forces increasingly deploys guided aerial bombs, which invariably lead to human casualties and destruction. The inaccuracy of this type of weapon inherently prevents its use for precision strikes on selected targets. The detonation of an aerial bomb flying on a glide trajectory causes extensive damage within a radius of tens, often hundreds, of meters from the explosion epicenter, resulting in significant casualties and destruction.

As the cold weather sets in, Russians are likely to intensify the use of such aerial bombs, destroying residential and energy infrastructure in frontline populated areas. The destruction caused by the explosion of an FAB-500 significantly exceeds that of a similar strike by a "Kalibr" or "Kh-101/Kh-555" missile. Consequently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine AFU must acquire technology capable of intercepting the bomb launch itself, meaning the destruction of Russian aircraft. In this regard, reinforcing the ZSU's aviation fleet with existing aircraft models will reduce casualties among Ukraine's civilian population.


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