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Development minister heads to Ethiopia to strengthen EU-Africa health cooperation

The minister for development cooperation, Caroline Gennez, will embark on a mission to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Sunday evening in alignment with Belgium's EU presidency.

The comprehensive EU mission, attended by Euro Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, includes delegates from eight member states. Belgium will lead the discussions and focus primarily on bolstering collaboration between the European and African Union in the health sector.

On Monday, Gennez's schedule will involve summit meetings, including sessions with African Union Health Commissioner Burkina Faso Cessouma Minata Samate. The consultations with Congo's Jean Kaseya, the director-general of the African Union Health Agency (CDC), will focus on health matters in the morning and humanitarian discussions in the afternoon.

Anticipated outcomes include signing several cooperation agreements, marking concrete progress in health and EU-Africa collaboration. On Tuesday, the EU delegation, led by Gennez, will visit a safe house for female victims of sexual violence in Addis Ababa, followed by an afternoon tour of a local lab specialising in vaccines and medication.

On Wednesday, the final day of the trip, Gennez is set to visit Addis Ababa University, engaging with students to gather insights into their perspectives on the future partnership between the European Union and Africa.


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