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F-16 fighters will help the Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve air superiority

The Netherlands and Denmark have decided to transfer F-16 fighters to the Ukrainian army - initially, about 61 aircraft. The planes will be transferred in several stages after Ukrainian pilots and engineers have received appropriate training. The agreement to provide such fighters to the Ukrainian Armed Forces is a clear sign of progress and increasing support for Ukraine from its Western partners.

During a year and a half of war, Russia has created a deeply layered defense in the occupied territories of Ukraine, primarily in the Kherson, Zaporizhia, and Donetsk regions. In addition to this, the Russians still have hundreds of fighters of various modifications and dozens of Ka-52 attack helicopters. Therefore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces must gain qualitative air superiority: F-16 fighters will not only allow them to destroy the enemy's air defense systems but also carry out precise strikes deep into its defenses. This will significantly expedite counteroffensive operations and contribute to the liberation of the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia.

F-16 fighters are designed to respond promptly to potential threats from Russia. Russian propaganda reacted painfully to the decision of the Netherlands and Denmark, as usual, categorizing these countries as "enemies of Russia." It should be noted that Russia does not have aircraft models that match the specifications of the F-16. For this reason, the sensitive reaction to their transfer to Ukraine is entirely understandable.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces must receive all the necessary equipment to liberate the territories occupied by Russia. Putin will not cease territorial expansion until he is stopped by force. Russia wants to initiate an era of territorial wars, which is a dangerous precedent that threatens global destabilization. In this regard, providing all the necessary weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the most optimal investment in Europe's peaceful future.


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