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Fewer resources available to promote Flanders in neighbouring countries

Tourism Flanders, the government agency responsible for the sustainable development of Flemish tourism, spent around 800,000 euros promoting the region in neighbouring countries last year. This is 33 per cent less than in 2019, writes The Sunday.

"Four years ago, 1,200,850 euros were spent promoting Flanders in the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. This year, the figure is down to 806,910 euros," said Flemish MP Loes Vandromme (CD&V), who asked Flemish Tourism minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA) for the figures.

There is no promotion budget for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

"For France and the United Kingdom, we see 44 per cent and 19 per cent less promotion budgets, respectively. The budget for promoting the Flemish tourism sector in the Netherlands has decreased by 71 per cent in four years," said Vandromme. "Only for Germany is the investment 30 per cent higher, namely 356,000 euros this year. There is no promotion budget for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg."

By joining forces, we will certainly be able to take advantage of even more opportunities

Vandromme advocates cooperation between Flemish and provincial tourism stakeholders to put the region back on the map. "When international promotion plans are drawn up, there is a consultation phase in which the provincial authorities are consulted. However, they are asking for more intensive cooperation within the framework of a structural agreement. By joining forces, we will certainly be able to take advantage of even more opportunities", Vandromme said.


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