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Georgia's foreign policy failure. Who is to blame?

On September 18, the State Security Service (SSS) of Georgia issued a statement in which it stated that a scenario similar to the Ukrainian "Euromaidan" of 2014 had been prepared and implemented in the country.

Georgia's foreign policy failure. Who is to blame?
Georgia's foreign policy failure. Who is to blame?

Acting director of the SSS counter-terrorism center Bacha Mgeladze said that a coup d'état was being prepared in the country with the participation of, among others, Ukrainian special services. A certain group of individuals allegedly "plans to organize" "destabilization and unrest" in Georgia. The ultimate goal of such actions is to change the country's power by force.

According to Mgeladze provocations should start in the coming fall, as at that time the European Union plans to publish the interim and final reports of the European Commission on granting Georgia the EU candidate status. Since Georgia failed to fulfill the European Commission's "homework", three of the twelve recommendations of Georgia were assessed as "fully implemented", while the rest recorded "partial progress", this may create fertile ground for public unrest and subsequent riots.

Among the conspirators were named the deputy interior minister of Georgia and current deputy head of the Ukrainian military intelligence service, Giorgi Lortkipanidze, as well as persons of Georgian origin under his command. We are talking about a former member of the security detail of Georgia's third president Mikheil Saakashvili, Mikhail Baturin, and the commander of the Georgian Legion fighting in Ukraine, Mamuka Mamulashvili.

In his turn, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Oleh Nikolenko, said that the unconfirmed information of the Georgian security services about the involvement of the Ukrainian side in the preparation of a rebellion in the country did not correspond to reality. "The Ukrainian state has not interfered, is not interfering and has no plans to interfere in Georgia's internal affairs," the Ukrainian diplomat said.

The commander of the Georgian Legion Mamulashvili stated that the accusation against him and the attempt to link him with other persons whom the Georgian security service considers to be involved in the "conspiracy" is a realization of the pro-Russian policy of the current government. It should be recalled that Russia initiated criminal proceedings against 24 fighters of the Legion. In April last year, this was announced by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Tbilisi's current policy of flirting with Moscow will not ultimately reduce the territorial appetites of Russian imperialism. Georgia may miscalculate in its geopolitical calculations, which will have long-term negative consequences for it. At the same time, each step toward Moscow will further alienate Tbilisi from the West.

Only Ukraine's victory in the war can prevent repeated aggression in the Caucasus. Therefore, supporting Ukraine, rather than slandering it, is in Georgia's true interests.

Source: Top Tribune


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