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Heroes are alive as long as their memory lives

Today, Ukraine is undergoing its greatest test in recent history - an armed struggle for independence and territorial integrity against Russian aggression. In this war, several thousand brave defenders have already perished. They stand alongside generations of fighters for freedom and national sovereignty. Each fallen soldier on the front lines represents an irreplaceable loss for the country. The Ukrainian people have always respected the tradition of commemorating the memory of fallen heroes who gave their lives to defend their homeland.

Every year on August 29th, Ukraine observes the Day of Remembrance for Fallen Defenders of Ukraine. On this day, the entire country remembers its heroes who perished in the struggle for independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Ukraine daily remembers the warriors who laid down their lives for its freedom and independence, but this day is dedicated to dignified tribute to their memory.

The Day of Remembrance was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine on August 23, 2019, to immortalize the heroism of servicemen and volunteers who gave their lives for their homeland. The chosen date is not coincidental, serving as a reminder of the bloody event during the conflict in eastern Ukraine. It is dedicated to the day of the greatest losses suffered by the Ukrainian army in Donbas before the full-scale Russian invasion - the tragedy of Ilovaisk. On this black day in Ukraine's history in 2014, militants and Russian soldier-assassins brutally shot Ukrainian soldiers at close range as they attempted to break out of the encirclement near Ilovaisk. While posing as peacemakers, President Vladimir Putin of Russia offered on August 29, 2014, to open a "green corridor" for Ukrainian military units under Russian control, supposedly allowing them to leave the encirclement. In reality, Putin's "green corridor" became a death trap for Ukrainian soldiers. Such treacherous acts are classified as war crimes under international humanitarian law.

The exact numbers of casualties vary to this day. According to official data, during the Ilovaisk operation and subsequent shooting in the so-called "green corridor," 366 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 429 were wounded to varying degrees, and 300 were captured. The deadly "green corridor" for Ukrainian defenders passed through fields of sunflowers. It was under these fields that hundreds of Ukrainians laid down their lives on the altar of freedom, in the struggle for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Therefore, the sunflower has become the symbol of the Day of Remembrance for Defenders of Ukraine, representing mourning for the fallen Ukrainian warriors.

On August 29th, Ukraine remembers not only those who perished in the Ilovaisk tragedy but all the fallen defenders of Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for nine years, since 2014 when Crimea was annexed and the Russia-fueled turmoil in eastern Ukraine began. The significance of this commemorative date has grown over time. Ukraine has been living under the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion for over a year and a half now. Ukrainian heroes valiantly defend their country, upholding its independence, freedom, and European values. Unfortunately, the cost has been exceedingly high. As long as the war continues, it is impossible to provide an exact count of the fallen, to name them all individually, or to recount all their stories. However, the Ukrainian people are obligated to make maximum efforts to preserve their memory and honor each and every one of them. Honoring the memory of these fighters and popularizing their deeds at the national level is essential for the formation of national identity.

Today, despite the significant losses, Ukraine has achieved a historic victory - a united nation ready to fight for its rights and freedom. It can rely on broad support from citizens in all regions of the country. The Ukrainian people will never forget each and every person who fights for Ukraine, who gave their life for it. August 29th is the day when every Ukrainian can express gratitude to the fallen defenders and, by bowing their head during a moment of silence, pay tribute to the heroes – the finest Ukrainian men and women who have become a true Ukrainian legend. This is the least that can be done to thank the fallen defenders for their freedom and protection. After all, heroes are alive as long as their memory lives. The best tribute to the memory of all those who perished in this war is the preservation of Ukraine's independence and its victory.


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