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Imitation game. Pseudo-elections of the Russian Federation in fake territories

Imitation game. Pseudo-elections of the Russian Federation in fake territories
Imitation game. Pseudo-elections of the Russian Federation in fake territories

Unable to cope with the growing collapse of the fronts and the gradual transfer of the war to its territory, Moscow continues to create the illusion of the prosperity of the ideas of the "Russian world" in the "new regions", as it calls the four occupied regions of Ukraine. Another fiction project is an imitation of "elections" to the State Duma, regional legislative assemblies, as well as to municipal and village councils, within the framework of the "single voting day" of Russia - September 10. It is indicative how many resources and effort are invested in a seemingly doomed farce.

First, it is the formation of a legal framework at the highest level by amending the law on martial law, allowing the exercise of the right to vote in the annexed regions.

Secondly, the creation of a suitable crowd, because the number of remaining voters is not known. So, you can vote anywhere - even from home in the temporarily occupied regions, even from anywhere in Russia using the Mobile Voter system. Anyone - all residents of the annexed regions, escaped collaborators from other regions of Ukraine, Russian gastrobeiters and even occupiers. For any document, a passport of the Russian Federation, a passport of Ukraine, an ID card, a driver's license and even "any document issued by the authorized body of Ukraine before September 30, 2022 and the authorized body of the Russian Federation after September 30" will do.

And whenever - from August 31 to September 10 "in view of the current situation." At the same time, despite this diversity of the electoral base, measures are being actively introduced to deport unwanted people deep into Russia - in order to avoid excesses and demonstrate "unity of position".

Thirdly, the image of a "live" electoral process is drawn. Political strategists, observers, organizers of extras, propagandists and even representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation come en masse to the occupied regions. Collaborators from among the escaped members of the Opposition Platform for Life and the Opposition Bloc, who scattered to different Russian parties, are involved in the form of "political competition".

Another attempt to legitimize annexation through suffrage also looks far-fetched, which is completely broken down by international norms from the UN Charter to the Hague Regulations of 1907. Secondary, and the intention to draw residents of the temporarily occupied regions into the orbit of life of the Russian Federation with the help of elections, and the alleged justification why this territory should remain with Moscow, and an attempt to demonstrate imperial control over the captured, and the formation of psychological influence on the Ukrainian population, they say, "we are here forever."

All this is illusory and practically devoid of political and military meaning. Especially given the speed of change in the "updated" map of Russia, which decreases every hour as the Armed Forces of Ukraine advance. The priority, perhaps, is only the desire to convince the whole world, the citizens of Russia, the inhabitants of the occupied and, possibly, themselves - that the recklessness started on February 24 is justified. But, despite all the horror, this movie is not perceived anywhere in the world, with the exception of two countries - Syria and North Korea. Maybe because in this imitation game, the villain deceived himself.


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