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Intentional missile strike on a civilian vessel confirms the terrorist nature of Putin's Russia

On November 8, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a missile strike on a civilian vessel flying the flag of Liberia as it entered one of the ports in the Odessa region. Preliminarily, an anti-radiation missile Kh-31P was used, launched from a strategic aviation aircraft of the Russian Federation over the Black Sea. As a result of this crime (the target coordinates for such missile types are entered in advance), the ship's pilot died, and three crew members were injured. Russia has confirmed its status as a terrorist state, posing a threat to the civilized world.

The strike on the civilian vessel marked the 21st attack on Ukrainian ports after Russia's withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative. In this regard, Putin seeks to completely paralyze the operations of Ukraine's port infrastructure to provoke a global famine. In addition, Russia is suffering significant losses on the front lines, and Putin's expansionist war against Ukraine has long reached a deadlock. Consequently, the Kremlin discards all pretenses and openly commits crimes not only against Ukraine's civil infrastructure but also begins to attack vessels of third countries, creating an increased terrorist threat to the Black Sea region.

The above underscores the comprehensive weakening of the Kremlin. The spectrum of risks arising from Russia's terrorist activities threatens the West and requires an appropriate response: sanctions against the Russian military-industrial complex and international isolation would be a logical response to the war crimes of a terrorist state.


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