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Israeli parties to form emergency unity government

Opposition parties have agreed to join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government following Hamas terror attacks. Meanwhile, Gaza's only power plant has shut down after Israel cut fuel supplies. DW has the latest.

Israeli parties to form emergency unity government
Israeli parties to form emergency unity government

Israel's ambassador to Germany has told DW that his country will make sure Hamas' infrastructure is completely destroyed after the militant group's terrorist attack on the weekend.

Ambassador Ron Prosor said Israel was in deep mourning and would fight back with force.

"We are going to react in such a manner that Hamas, as a terrorist organization with a terrorist infrastructure, will not be there after we finish," Prosor said.

He added that Israel's decision to cut the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip off from water, food and fuel supplies was not an overreaction.

"All gloves are off. This is one side, a terrorist organization that has decided to wage war against Israel," he said. "We will go after them everywhere they are in order to eradicate this infrastructure of terror that basically terrorizes not only Israel, but the whole region."

Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by Germany, the EU and US, among other countries.

Source: DW


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