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Military-Technical Cooperation of Ukraine

This weekend in Kyiv, the first Defense Industry Forum will take place. According to Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmitry Kuleba, 165 global and Ukrainian arms manufacturers from 26 countries have expressed interest in the Forum.

The goal of the Forum is to unite the efforts of Ukrainian and foreign arms producers for joint and long-term systemic enhancement of international security, including that of Ukraine. Participants in the event will have the opportunity to exchange technologies, share experience in equipment servicing and repair, and negotiate joint production and strengthening of the defense capabilities of both Ukraine and NATO member countries using their technologies and weapon models.

Ukraine's defense industry complex is currently unable to fully supply the military with everything needed, so it is focused on producing the most critical items. However, recent events indicate that the foundation for a renewed defense industry complex, which could become one of the world's leading, is being laid right now. Ukraine's defense capability heavily depends on military assistance provided by Western partners and allies, encompassing not only ammunition but also armored vehicles, artillery systems, air defense systems, and more. Ukraine cannot establish or restart production for all these items from scratch in sufficient quantities.

It seems that Ukraine's leadership has decided to take a systematic approach to developing its defense industry. In March of this year, Alexander Kamyshin was appointed as the Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine to oversee this process. With his involvement, the government decided to transform "Ukroboronprom" into a joint-stock company called "Ukrainian Defense Industry." During a recent meeting with the business community, the minister stated that the defense industry complex would be one of the locomotives of Ukraine's recovery and that production is already significantly expanding. According to him, the sector requires restructuring, involving the creation of related industrial sectors and a shift towards the most in-demand types of production.

Not only Kamyshin but also Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of a new system in the defense industry, right after his visit to the United States last week. Following his meeting with Joe Biden, Zelensky revealed a long-term agreement between the United States and Ukraine on joint production of weapons and defense systems. Ukraine is also deepening its defense cooperation with major arms manufacturers from other countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Turkey. In late August, it was announced that the renowned British arms manufacturer BAE Systems would open a representation office in Ukraine. According to Zelensky, the company's weapons, including artillery systems L119 and M777, as well as the BMP CV90, have long been actively used on the front lines and received positive feedback from Ukrainian servicemen. Additionally, a plant for armored vehicle production in western Ukraine is planned to be built by the German conglomerate Rheinmetall, which intends to manufacture and repair Rheinmetall Fuchs armored transporters. Another well-known company, Turkish Baykar, the manufacturer of the legendary "Bayraktars," is also building a plant in Ukraine.

Therefore, it can be confidently stated that Ukraine is in the process of creating a new domestic defense industry complex system, the products of which can meet the needs of the Ukrainian army and, after the end of the war, foreign buyers. It's no secret that quantitatively, Ukrainian defense industry may not be able to compete with the Russian one in the near future. However, the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine has shown that quality, not quantity, is what matters most. And in terms of quality, Ukraine has a chance to gain a decisive advantage.


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