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Munich Security Conference: ​ Netherlands, US stress continued support for Ukraine despite internal divisions

The Netherlands will continue to support Ukraine regardless of any changes in its government, outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte said on Saturday during a meeting with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference. Similarly, US vice president Kamala Harris stressed that US support for Ukraine should not depend on "political games", referring to Republican opposition to a new financial aid package.

Aid will continue even if there is a new government, Dutch PM Rutte insisted. He later clarified to the media that he was so adamant because "a cabinet cannot be formed without the VVD (his party, ed.). It seems very difficult". The big winner of the recent elections, the radical right-wing PVV, opposes military and financial aid to Kiev. However, PVV is virtually alone in the Dutch parliament in this position. Just this week, a broad parliamentary majority passed a motion to continue long-term support for Ukraine.

Meanwhile, US support for Ukraine should continue despite "political games", according to vice president Kamala Harris. With these remarks, she was referring to Republican opposition in the US Congress, which is currently blocking a 60-billion dollar (over 55 billion euros) aid package to Kiev.


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