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Peace with Russia can only be achieved through comprehensive military support for Ukraine

Calls from some Western politicians to end the hostilities in Ukraine through negotiations with Moscow will not secure a lasting peace. Former US President D. Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister V. Orban have regularly voiced statements about ending support to Ukraine in providing additional military and financial aid.

Putin hopes that the West will eventually tire of supporting Ukraine or that political changes in the United States and Europe will lead to a reduction in military and financial assistance to Kyiv. Consequently, Moscow has been spreading even more disinformation recently regarding issues in the Ukrainian army, conflicts in the higher military-political leadership of Ukraine, resource depletion, and the impossibility of conducting further offensive actions.

Russia aims to sow doubt in Kyiv's victory over Moscow in the West to halt military assistance to Ukraine by Western partners. Moscow is not prepared to negotiate with Kyiv. Russia continues its massive missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure.

At the same time, a significant number of politicians from EU and US countries, including former US Vice President Mike Pence, believe that once active combat operations cease, Europe should take the initiative to create a new type of collective security guarantees for Ukraine with the participation of willing coalition states. Without a robust coalition to guarantee Ukraine's security, lasting peace in Europe will not be possible.

Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia directly depends on Western military support, and the absence of it may result in defeat not only for Ukraine but also for the entire Europe, as Russia's territorial expansion will inevitably go beyond Ukraine's borders. We must not repeat the mistakes of World War II, where the civilized world allowed Hitler to annex Austria, occupy Czechoslovakia and Poland, enabling him to become stronger. Like Hitler, Putin will not stop at Ukraine. Therefore, the civilized world must decide whether to defeat Putin today or face a much stronger Russian aggressor in the future.

Withholding arms from Ukraine by NATO countries would show Putin and all his potential successors worldwide that aggression can be avoided. Hence, military support for Ukraine is the fastest path to peace. Ukraine has thus far adhered to the restrictions imposed by the West on the use of the provided weaponry, so reservations about sending more powerful systems have diminished. Ukrainian attacks on military targets in Russian-occupied territories are absolutely legitimate.

Today, Ukraine needs even more ammunition and means of air defense, as well as highly mobile artillery rocket systems, guided multiple launch rocket systems, tanks, fighter aircraft, and modern unmanned aerial vehicles.


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