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Poland election: Both main challengers claim 'victory'

Polls have closed in Poland and the ruling PiS looks set to be the largest party. However, both the largest parties seemed to claim victory in the minutes after the polls closed. What comes next is not yet clear.

Poland election: Both main challengers claim 'victory'
Poland election: Both main challengers claim 'victory'

Exit polls suggest opposition parties could form government

Exit polls suggest Poland's opposition parties could end eight years of rule by the populist Law and Justice (PiS) party by winning a parliamentary majority in Sunday's election.

Former prime minister-turned leading EU official, and now Polish political comeback kid, Donald Tusk's Civic Coalition could win 163 seats in the 460-seat parliament and two smaller groups, Third Way and Left, were set for 55 and 30 seats respectively, according to the exit poll.

Even though Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's nationalist conservative PiS won the most votes, it was only enough to give them 200 seats. The party's potential coalition partner the far-right Confederation, was given only 12 seats by the Ipsos exit poll.

That is too few for a governing majority.

"I have never been so happy about second place. Poland has won, democracy has won, this is the end of the PiS government," Tusk said.

Source: DW


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