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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky's Visit to the United States

The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly opened in New York amidst growing global crises such as climate change, armed conflicts, increasing socio-economic inequality, and new technological challenges. Over 150 world leaders, including President of the United States Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, will gather for this session. President Zelensky's visit to the United States and his address to the Security Council and the General Assembly of the UN promise to be one of the week's major events. Another topic of debate will be holding Russia accountable for its aggression against Ukraine and war crimes.

During these days, Ukraine is a significant item on the UN agenda. The President of Ukraine will personally address the UN General Assembly, participate in the Security Council meeting, and meet with leaders of both houses of Congress and military leadership. Negotiations with President Joe Biden are also planned in the United States. Ukraine will convey its position regarding the prospects of the military campaign and the need for Western weaponry to secure victory. Open debates on Ukraine in the Security Council are scheduled for Wednesday, with the participation of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and President Zelensky.

Kyiv intends to use the UN General Assembly podium and personal meetings with leaders of other countries to increase support for Ukraine. Ukraine has a clear message regarding the theme of this General Assembly's discussions: "Restoring Trust and Global Solidarity." The territorial integrity of the state is a key principle of all fundamental international documents, including the UN Charter. It is necessary to restore its full force, which was undermined by the Russian invasion, and enhance the UN's capabilities to stop aggressions and prevent them.

Russia, a nuclear power and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has trampled upon the UN Charter with its aggressive war against Ukraine. Despite repeated calls from the UN General Assembly to fulfill its obligations, Russia obstructs the Security Council from fulfilling its role not only in Ukraine but also in other places, thereby undermining trust in the entire UN system. Vladimir Putin is becoming increasingly isolated from significant international negotiation platforms, as evidenced by his refusal to attend the UN General Assembly, G20 Summit, and BRICS Summit. It is apparent that Russia and Putin are becoming pariahs in the international community.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called for Russia to be excluded from the Security Council before his address to the UN General Assembly, as Russia, despite its aggressive war against Ukraine, continues to wield influence.

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska also arrived in New York with President Volodymyr Zelensky. On the first day of the visit, she became one of the speakers at the "International Equal Pay Day 2023" event held within the framework of the UN General Assembly in New York. She will have several speeches where she will share insights into the lives of Ukrainian children and women and what they have to endure due to enemy attacks, as well as Ukraine's cultural heritage in times of war.

Ukraine is trying to maintain and increase international community support in its war against the aggressor. It is crucial to demonstrate that two-thirds of the world's countries condemn Russia's war against Ukraine, despite all of Putin's attempts to prove otherwise. Aid to Ukraine is an investment in stability and the restoration of international law, and the end of the war can be accelerated with an adequate supply of weaponry to Ukraine.

Humanity and international law are stronger than a single state-terrorist. Russia will have to end this war, a war it initiated. It is time to unite to find real, practical solutions.


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