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Providing F-16s to Ukraine: Is it an escalation? No, it's a step towards stability!

Despite occasional global tremors since the end of World War II (largely involving the former USSR and the USA), Europe, especially the Western part, remained relatively stable. While Europeans had concerns about potential military crises, the international system of treaties, deterrence, and balances instilled confidence in a relatively secure future. Even the Kremlin leadership of the USSR, amid increasing economic and social challenges at home, did not significantly destabilize Europe.

With the collapse of the USSR, the disappearance of a substantial military threat, and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe, ideal conditions for European stability emerged. Europe began to flourish, especially in the early '90s. The European Union (EU) was formed and expanded, strengthening political and economic ties. NATO, aimed at providing military-political security, gained new members. Cheap energy resources from Russia and the former Soviet republics in Central Asia fueled European economic growth and helped solve social issues.

While we can't claim that Europe entered an era of uninterrupted prosperity, the past three decades have been relatively peaceful and stable, perhaps more so than ever in European history.

However, there's always a "BUT." History shows that individuals may emerge under the pretext of "protecting national interests and pacifying hostile surroundings" who ignite the flames of war, aiming to reshape global or at least regional dynamics, often driven by unhealthy ambitions. Putin's actions, particularly in the last five years, fall into this category of unhealthy ambitions.

And here we have a war in Ukraine, right in the geographical center of Europe! Furthermore, it was ignited by Russia, a country spanning half of Europe and Asia, a nation that suffered immense human and material losses in the wars of the previous century!

This war in Europe has truly been a full-scale conflict since the end of World War II. It's needless to say that this event has not only shaken European but also global society, generating destabilizing processes in global politics and economics. As time has passed, the question of ending it as soon as possible has become increasingly urgent.

Alongside the political and economic issues, this war has stirred up numerous military questions. Being genuinely full-scale, it involves practically the entire arsenal of weaponry, not just from the opposing sides but also a wide range of armaments from European countries and the USA. This is a war where the equipment and weaponry of industrially and technologically advanced nations are deployed.

Today, without a doubt, it's essential to acknowledge the patriotism, resilience, and courage demonstrated by Ukrainian citizens and the Ukrainian army in defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their country. The high professionalism of Ukrainian servicemen and their experience in modern combat operations have already become subjects of study in the West. Their effectiveness in operating various Western equipment and armaments often surpasses the best results of field trials. Once again, it's worth recognizing that Ukrainian soldiers learn and master Western technology two or even three times faster than the corresponding training programs require! All of this while maintaining high proficiency levels. Western instructors are impressed!

There's no denying that concerns arose in the West about Ukraine's ability to handle high-tech weaponry, air defense systems, electronic warfare, tanks, and missile systems, which justified delays in their provision. Until recently, a similar debate revolved around the provision of aircraft to Ukraine.

Although this war did not witness mass aviation use, massive bombings, or regular aerial combat, the issue of controlling the skies, as highlighted by General Giulio Douhet, the founder of air superiority theory, remains highly relevant. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel aptly characterized aviation's role in war: "Anyone who has to fight against an adversary with dominance in the air will be like a savage against European colonial troops, with similar conditions and chances of victory." The German precision is undeniable. Nothing to add or subtract!

So, after extensive diplomatic efforts, Ukraine has finally secured solid assurances of receiving modern Western aircraft. Ukraine did have a combat aviation presence, but the quantity, condition, and resources of aircraft inherited from the former USSR did not allow for the effective establishment of air superiority. They certainly cannot be compared to the modernized F-16s that Denmark and the Netherlands, NATO member countries, have decided to transfer.

Currently, discussions are actively underway at various levels regarding the provision of F-16s to Ukraine: pilot training, infrastructure for operation and maintenance, aviation weaponry, and, ultimately, their quantity. It's understandable that aircraft are complex, high-tech machines but are crucial. Not all countries can independently address these issues completely, which is why the creation of an "aviation coalition" is justifiable, much like the previous "tank coalition." Five countries have publicly joined Ukraine's coalition of allies, agreeing to jointly provide its army with modern combat aviation and the necessary training: the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark. It seems that this list will expand in the near future, as demonstrated by the "tank coalition." A good start!

The timing of the provision and deployment of F-16s plays a crucial role as they can significantly alter the situation both in the skies and on the ground, truly achieving air superiority. They can reduce the activity of Russian aviation, support Ukrainian forces on the battlefield, enhance the precision striking capability (F-16 will allow Ukraine to expand its range of such weaponry), and ultimately defend the sky against Russian cruise missiles, the "missile terror" regularly unleashed on Ukrainian cities.

There is hope that the prompt delivery of F-16s will help bring an end to the war, ultimately saving many lives. As cynical as it may sound, in war, only weapons can secure peace. Historical experience demonstrates that Russia only understands and respects strength.

Speaking of Russia, despite colossal losses, according to official Ukrainian data, more than 300 Russian aircraft and an equal number of helicopters have been destroyed. Russia still possesses approximately 1000 aircraft and 400 helicopters. Clearly, this is not a small number! Even though much of this equipment is outdated, it still has a significant impact on the course of military operations, especially in the absence of effective countermeasures. It's also evident that the dynamics of Ukraine's current counteroffensive would be entirely different if they had a sufficient number of aircraft like the F-16 to establish air superiority.

In summary, the civilized Western collective is truly becoming "collective" now, and this war has clearly demonstrated the superiority of Western high-tech weaponry. The collective West, fully aware of the lessons of its past divisions and indecision, as well as the prospects of further actions by the Kremlin leadership if they achieve their goals in Ukraine, has actively stepped up to support Ukraine.

The decisions made by Washington, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen regarding the provision of F-16s to Ukraine demonstrate that Ukraine's support from its partners is stable and has the potential to grow. Kiev is gradually breaking the "taboo" on the supply of new types of modern weaponry. There is no doubt that Ukrainian pilots will quickly become proficient with the F-16, just as they did with "Javelin" and "NLAW," "777" and "HIMARS," "Leopard" and "Challenger," "Patriot," and many others. This list is extensive.

The current situation indicates that the Kremlin leadership currently finds it highly advantageous to engage in a war of attrition, leading to destabilization in Europe and the world. In this context, Ukraine's role as a country directly deterring Russian aggression becomes crucial in preventing the expansion of the war's territory and its spillover into other neighboring regions. It aims for the swift conclusion of the conflict in the heart of Europe and the containment of the Russian dictator who threatens European and global stability.


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