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Russia extensively exports Ukrainian children and attempts to erase their identity

Save Ukraine organization's head, Nikolay Kuleba, stated that Russia, starting from 2014, has taken out 1.5 million Ukrainian children, placing them across all regions of Russia. There have been documented transfers of Ukrainian children to 4 camps in Belarus. Russia maximizes the difficulty of returning young Ukrainians home by changing names, placing them in foster families, and orphanages. Russian propaganda tries to instill the ideology of the "Russian world" in these children. Many were taken from the occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions under the pretense of recuperation after the explosion of the Kahovka HPP. Abducting Ukrainian children is a serious crime, one of the reasons for the International Criminal Court's warrant for Putin's arrest. Russia, a state-terrorist, must face complete international isolation.

The demographic crisis in Russia intensifies and contributes to the massive export of Ukrainian children. The decline of the "titular nation" - Russians - occurs at a pace that some regions of Russia will lack a workforce in 5-10 years. On the other hand, migrants - legal and illegal, mostly from Central Asia - cannot become an alternative workforce, typically leading to increased crime, social tensions, and ethnic enclaves in Russia. The so-called "Stabilization Operation" (SCO), which is, in reality, a war of conquest, has contributed to Russia's depopulation. Conservatively, over 1 million Russians left the country after 24th February 2022, and hundreds of thousands of reproductively-aged men were killed or injured, causing a loss of faith in a positive future. In annexing Ukrainian territory, Putin primarily aims to seize the civilian population, the most valuable resource for Russia. This represents the greatest cynicism of Russian invasion.

Since the onset of full-scale war, Ukraine managed to retrieve 386 children from Russia. The Kremlin seeks to hinder this process, particularly by refusing to return children in groups. Fighting for each small Ukrainian has become a personal struggle. Abducting Ukrainian children amounts to genocide, as a country that loses its children automatically loses its future. Russia must be recognized as a state-terrorist, and every official involved in legalized kidnapping must face trial after the war's end.



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