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Russia launched a strike using Iranian drones near the border with Romania.

On the night of July 24, the Russian Air Force carried out a nearly four-hour-long attack on Ukrainian port infrastructure located on the Danube River. The attack damaged grain storage facilities and buildings housing vehicles. It's important to note that the attack occurred in close proximity to the borders of NATO and the EU, as Romania is part of these alliances. The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, responded to the provocation, stating that Russia is creating security risks in the Black Sea region. By conducting such attacks, the Kremlin systematically undermines Ukraine's port infrastructure, attempting to fully displace Ukraine from the global grain market. If Ukraine loses its ability to export grain by sea, a significant portion of countries worldwide will face the risk of food shortages.

The total militarization is a characteristic feature of Putin's Russia. Russians are being prepared for a protracted war that involves extensive use of tactical drones, leading to plans for additional production capacities to ensure a continuous supply of drones to the military.

Russia's tactic of targeting Ukrainian infrastructure indicates that missile and drone strikes on deep Ukrainian territory will continue. This includes nightly attacks on Ukrainian ports after exiting the grain deal. Expectations include attacks on energy infrastructure before winter.

Therefore, the supply of modern anti-aircraft and missile defense systems becomes particularly crucial. Ukrainian infrastructure must be preserved, and each major city in Ukraine should be protected by layered air defense systems. Modern anti-aircraft systems are also vital for the protection of thousands of Ukrainian civilians since Russia widely deploys missiles with significant destructive power, such as the Kh-22. The West must make every effort to defend Ukrainian airspace, as Ukraine's victory is crucial for security in Europe.


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