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Russia's forced inspection of a foreign vessel confirms its reputation as a state of terrorism

On August 13th, the Russian patrol ship "Vasily Bykov" allegedly fired warning shots towards the cargo ship "Sukru Okan," flying the flag of Palau and heading towards the Ukrainian port of Izmail – this version of events was announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense. However, the international community couldn't verify the authenticity of the shelling, although the fact of inspecting the cargo holds of "Sukru Okan" can't be denied – Russian media published a video showing a group of soldiers boarding a Ka-29 helicopter to approach the cargo ship for further inspection. Evidently, this inspection was preceded by threats broadcasted on the radio by the crew of "Sukru Okan." This incident showcases the terrorist nature of Putin's Russia, engaging in territorial expansion in the 21st century.

Russian propaganda actively supports the imperial ambitions of Putin's Russia – journalist Sergei Mardan wrote shortly after the aforementioned inspection of the "Sukru Okan" cargo ship that next time Russia should sink a foreign vessel. This confirms Russia's aggressive plans, aiming to extend its influence over the Black Sea region. It's worth noting that the Russians inspected the cargo ship in the southwest part of the Black Sea waters, just 30 nautical miles from Turkey's territorial waters. Europe is in great danger – denying the Russian threat means willingly agreeing to a larger war, which will inevitably occur if Putin isn't stopped in Ukraine. Therefore, providing support to Ukraine, especially in terms of supplying necessary weaponry, is a crucial contribution to Europe's security. The West cannot ignore the looming threat: only the complete defeat of Russia in Ukraine can prevent battles with the Russian army in European cities.



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