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Russian strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine. What is Russia trying to achieve?

Russia continues to promote the "Russian world" in Ukraine, terrorizing the civilian population of Ukraine. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, numerous Ukrainian civilian facilities have come under fire from Russian forces.

Each strike is accompanied by a stream of lies, propaganda, and manipulation from Russia.

Russian strikes on the Ukrainian energy system began in September 2022, following the withdrawal of the Russian army from the Kharkiv region. In response to the defeat of their army, without pretending it was targeting "military bases," the Russians deliberately attacked critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, aiming to leave millions of peaceful residents without electricity and heating, thereby once again confirming their status as a terrorist organization with a fascist ideology that brings death to innocent people.

The aggressor is returning to a tactic it had previously used in the previous heating season. Unable to achieve significant successes on the battlefield, Russia is once again resorting to overt terror against the civilian population, continuing its strategy of intimidation and provocation among Ukrainians. On the night of September 21, 2023, Ukraine experienced another attack by Russian barbarians, during which several energy facilities were damaged. Russian forces attacked Ukraine with air-launched cruise missiles X-101/X-555/X-55. They entered Ukrainian airspace from different directions, constantly changing their flight route.

This is another act of barbaric terrorism. Russian troops are likely to continue targeting energy sector facilities ahead of the heating season. This is a gross violation of international humanitarian law. By attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure, Russia blurs the line between civilian and military targets. The deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure before winter deprives civilians of access to essential resources such as electricity, heat, and clean water, putting their lives at risk, allowing these acts to be classified as war crimes.

Russia designed the campaign to destroy Ukraine's energy infrastructure to inflict such suffering on the civilian population that it would compel the Ukrainian government to negotiate. Moscow's goal is a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, the division of Ukrainian society, and the destruction of its statehood. Attacks on non-military targets to demoralize the civilian population were also employed by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Kremlin's use of this tactic only reflects its growing desperation.

Russia is attacking Ukraine's civilian infrastructure to break the morale of the population, hoping for mythical protest sentiments among Ukrainians but only succeeding in increasing hatred towards the aggressor and prompting stronger resistance.

Last winter, Russia failed to freeze Ukrainians, and it will not succeed now. The Ukrainian state and society are growing stronger.

Ukraine is ready to defend its energy facilities against Putin's terrorist attacks and respond by destroying the aggressor's military infrastructure on its own territory.

Today, the civilized world unequivocally stands with Ukraine. Western assistance in rebuilding the damaged infrastructure is an invaluable service to millions of Ukrainians in winter. Ukraine is grateful for the support provided, both militarily and financially. Military aid to Ukraine and the strengthening of sanctions against war criminals are investments in global security.


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