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Russian terror against civilians in Ukraine: Russia struck civilian targets in Kriviy Rig

On Monday morning, July 31, Russian occupiers launched a missile strike on Krivoy Rog, hitting two buildings, including a residential high-rise. The explosions in the city occurred even before the air alarm was declared.

As a result of the attack in Krivoy Rog, at least two people were killed, and twenty others were injured. One missile hit a four-story educational institution, while the other hit a nine-story residential building.

In the residential high-rise, a section from the 4th to the 9th floor was destroyed in one of the entrances. The shockwave also shattered windows in neighboring buildings and premises.

The criminal actions of the Russian army can only be interpreted as purposeful destruction of Ukrainian civilians. The Russian army deliberately shells civilian infrastructure to kill as many peaceful civilians as possible and cause maximum material damage. Moscow must be completely deprived of the ability to obtain semiconductors, microchips, and components necessary for the production of high-tech products, and the Kremlin's authorities must be held criminally responsible. Russia should not only feel the economic consequences of its criminal policy, not only be defeated militarily, but also be condemned by an international tribunal.


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