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Russian terror in Ukrainian cities continues

Russians have twice shelled Zaporizhia

From the very beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian army has been carrying out terrorism against the Ukrainian people. For almost a year and a half now, it has been mercilessly shelling civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure and residential buildings with rockets.

The civilian population of Zaporizhia, near the front line, is suffering particularly heavily from the Russian terrorist shelling. The last two horrific attacks happened just a day apart. There have been casualties, including children.

On the evening of August 9th, the Russians targeted a residential area with an X-35 missile, damaging 13 residential buildings (broken windows and damaged balconies) and damaging an Orthodox temple. A 43-year-old man and young women aged 19 and 21 were killed, and 9 civilians were injured.

The next day, the Russian army once again hit a civilian target with a missile. The impact caused a fire in vehicles parked near the epicenter of the explosion. 19 civilians have already been affected, including four children. The strike hit the Reikartz hotel, where a day camp for children was located. Children aged 6 to 13 spent time there every day until 6:00 PM, and the Russians attacked the hotel an hour after the camp closed.

Russia must bear full responsibility for the crimes committed against the Ukrainian people. Russian army bombardments of peaceful Ukrainian cities constitute a violation of international humanitarian law.


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