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Secretary of State to expand capacity for asylum seekers by looking at campsites and hostels

State secretary for Asylum and Migration Nicole de Moor (CD&V) has confirmed that single men applying for asylum will no longer be accommodated in the near future. However, the measure will be applied for as short a time as possible, and in the meantime additional places, such as campsites, will be sought.

De Moor does not give a concrete figure for additional accommodation places. She is looking at campsites and hostels not used during the winter months to help solve the reception problem. There should also be 'satellite centres', i.e. smaller centres dependent on larger accommodation centres.

In addition to creating additional reception places, the minister is pushing for an accelerated outflow of recognised refugees from reception centres into the housing market.

On Tuesday, De Moor (cd&v) announced that single men would be temporarily banned from the Fedasil network. She wants to prevent families with children from ending up on the streets. "The decision will remain in force until the Fedasil network can accommodate single men again," she said on Friday. However, single men can still apply for asylum.


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