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Shelling of the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant

Shelling of the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant: Russia Must Be Recognized as a State Sponsor of Terrorism by Western Parliaments

On 25.10.2023, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) carried out another attack on Ukraine using combat drones: all UAVs were moving towards the Khmelnytskyi region. Witnesses note that such a massive drone assault has not been seen before. The cities of Slavuta and Netishyn were hit - the latter being a satellite town of the Khmelnytskyi NPP. As a result of the latest Russian military crime, the civilian infrastructure in the aforementioned cities was affected, with hundreds of buildings being hit by debris from the downed drones. 18 civilians were injured, two of whom are in critical condition.

Russia is escalating nuclear terror as its military failures continue to mount. The attempt to advance in the Donetsk direction brought the Kremlin nothing but massive losses - hundreds of pieces of destroyed armor and thousands of Russian soldiers killed forever remained on the approaches to Avdiivka. This was another blow to the reputation of the Russian army, which has failed to achieve any of its military objectives. Consequently, the recent attempt to shell the Khmelnytskyi NPP is a blackmail tactic aimed at the Ukrainian and Western audience - the falling drone damaged buildings surrounding the specified nuclear facility. The head of the IAEA, R. Grossi, condemned Russia's latest display of blackmail, stating that it affects nuclear security in Ukraine. By shelling nuclear facilities in Ukrainian territory, Putin seeks a tactical pause to accumulate military reserves.

The shelling of the KhNPP is an extremely dangerous precedent that places millions of people on the brink of a radiation catastrophe. Cheap Iranian drones can significantly deviate from the target, covering a large distance: in the most negative scenario, the strike could hit the nuclear reactor directly. This is a typical manifestation of nuclear terrorism, constantly employed by Russia as an instrument of war. In particular, Russians systematically shell the surroundings of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Recent events show that Putin is escalating nuclear blackmail, directing explosive-laden drones at the KhNPP, which is located 2 km away from Netishyn, where over 35,000 people reside.

The above emphasizes the need to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. While the West procrastinates, Putin continues to strike ever closer to the borders of the EU and NATO. This is a deliberate test of the West's response: if severe countermeasures are not taken against the Kremlin, humanity faces a catastrophe. Russia has repeatedly demonstrated its unwillingness to make concessions, as well as its unwillingness to end this war. Therefore, complete international isolation of the state sponsor of terrorism, along with additional sanctions, will be a necessary step towards its defeat.


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