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Spain: Protest against Catalan amnesty deal draws huge crowd

Spain faces new elections if a new coalition isn't formed by next month. Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is planning to drop charges against Catalan separatists to help him secure a new term.

Spain: Protest against Catalan amnesty deal draws huge crowd
Spain: Protest against Catalan amnesty deal draws huge crowd

Tens of thousands of people marched through Barcelona on Sunday to protest against plans to grant Catalan separatists an amnesty in exchange for their political support for a new left-wing government.

Many of the protesters waved Spanish and Catalan flags or signs saying "No Amnesty!" as they flooded into the city center.

Police said the crowd was 50,000 strong, while organizers — Societat Civil Catalana (SCC), a civil society group opposed to the region breaking away from Spain — put the figure at 300,000.

Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez' of the Socialist bloc is trying to secure a new term in office and must strike a deal with the Junts and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya parties to gain enough parliamentary support.

Jailed separatist leaders, activists would be freed

The amnesty deal would see charges dropped against more than a thousand Catalan separatists who are facing legal action for the 2017 independence bid. Many of those involved are already in jail.

The proposal has drawn a furious response from the right and the far-right, as well as from some within Sanchez's own Socialist party, who say an amnesty cannot be used as a bargaining chip for him to remain in power.

Source: DW


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