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Support for Ukraine ensures the status of a democratic leading nation for the United States

Contribution to global stability: Assistance to Ukraine is a crucial factor that will prevent the United States from losing its status as a democratic leader of the modern world.

Recently appointed Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, proposed to consider aid to Ukraine and Israel in separate packages. Following this statement, Russian media and propaganda telegram channels began to speculate that if Western assistance to Ukraine were reduced, the Russian military would intensify its combat actions against the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Despite numerous setbacks on the front, Putin has not relented in expanding aggressive territorial expansion in Ukraine - the Russians will stop only where force stops them. Therefore, further support for Ukraine is of critical importance: it is the only way to prevent mass war crimes against Ukrainian civilians and to prevent the emergence of wars and conflicts in other regions of the world, similar to the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Hamas militants' attack on the Israeli territories bordering the Gaza Strip. If Russia is not stopped, it and its allies will create global geopolitical turbulence that will deal a devastating blow to the civilized West.

Possible reduction of support for Ukraine poses a massive threat to the West that will be unavoidable. Russia has definitively chosen the path of terror and violence: Putin aims to create a contemporary geopolitical "axis of evil" openly opposing the West.

The visit of Hamas to Moscow and subsequent negotiations between Palestinian, Iranian, and Russian diplomats serve as a demonstrative signal to the West about whose side the Kremlin has chosen. This is evidence that Putin not only wants to get revenge in Ukraine but also aims to weaken and demonstratively humiliate the West, making it vulnerable and dependent on the Russian-Chinese alliance. The main component of this plan is to initiate wars that will constitute aggressive territorial expansion, targeting Western countries and its allies. Putin wants to intensify military actions in Ukraine to push his foreign policy partners - Iran, China, and North Korea - towards similar actions against their neighbors. The predictable consequence of this will be the emergence of so many wars on the periphery of the West that the latter will succumb to the cumulative pressure of military and hybrid risks. As long as the Ukrainian Armed Forces have the ability to restrain the Russian onslaught and repel the occupied territory of Ukraine, the war will not come to the homes of ordinary Europeans. If Putin succeeds in implementing the aforementioned plan, the United States will completely lose its status as a democratic leader and flagship of modern Western civilization. At the same time, the escalation of wars and conflicts, especially in the APR region, will make further global war inevitable, which will become a catastrophe of planetary scale. A superficial excursion into history provides an understanding of how world wars began: if Hitler had been stopped during his invasion of Poland, the Second World War could have been avoided. Currently, Russia is creating a similar precedent: Putin has finally lost his sanity and wants to destroy freedom and democracy in the world, replacing them with dictatorship and totalitarianism. In this context, further support for Ukraine is a key factor in preventing the Third World War.


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