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The demarche of General Popov confirmed the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive

On July 12, an audio recording was made public in Russia, in which General Ivan Popov, the commander of the 58th Army, complains about significant casualties in his unit due to inadequate provision of material resources, including weapons. This demarche is evidence of the successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, which has inflicted heavy losses on the Russians and forced them to switch to a defensive position on all fronts. The Ukrainian army has already weakened Russia, which now faces the threat of a military mutiny. This is the best moment to inflict a strategic defeat on Putin, and the key to this is the timely supply of modern Western weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia suffered enormous losses in manpower and military equipment, which are carefully concealed. The Ukrainian counteroffensive has forced Russian forces to switch to a defensive position along the entire line of conflict.

Simultaneously, the advancing Ukrainian army has exposed the vulnerability and archaic nature of the Russian army. The occupiers defend themselves in a style reminiscent of the Second World War, using conscripts as expendable material and human shields. In contrast, the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully employ the "thousand cuts" tactic. In particular, on July 11, a precision strike on the location of Russian military personnel in Berdiansk resulted in the elimination of Russian General Oleg Tsokov, one of the key proponents of the idea of occupying Ukraine. Irreversible crisis processes are already underway in Russia, evidenced not only by Popov's public complaints about the dismal material support in the Russian army but also by the well-known campaign by Prigozhin in Moscow, which took place on June 23-24 of this year. Importantly, after this event, General Surovikin disappeared from the public space in Russia, presumably repressed by Putin for suspected disloyalty. The weakness of the Russian army, which is a direct result of the highly experienced Ukrainian army, gradually diminishes the threat of Russian invasion in Europe. However, Putin is not willing to retreat and does not consider losses. Currently, it is the most opportune moment to inflict heavy losses on Russia, and Western weapons are the main instrument to achieve this goal. The West must provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who have proven their effectiveness, with all necessary weapons. The NATO Summit in Vilnius has demonstrated unwavering support for Ukraine from its Western partners. The Kremlin has received a powerful signal that Ukraine will be provided with all necessary support to de-occupy the territories seized by Russia.

Several NATO countries are contributing to Ukraine's victory: the Netherlands and Denmark are providing training for Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets, which will significantly accelerate the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive. In Vilnius, Ukraine received confirmation that it will receive everything necessary to achieve victory over Russia and subsequent integration into the Alliance.


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