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The Kremlin is futilely seeking ways to pacify the populace due to the failure of Putin's "SMO"

In Russia, "everything is going" as always, but in a new way. According to this new "plan," the "SMO" (Special Military Operation) in Ukraine will last at least until 2025. This information was voiced by Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu himself.

"The consistent implementation of activities in the action plan until 2025 will allow us to achieve the set goals," he stated during a meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The deadline until 2025, as predicted by the authors of "Kyiv in Three Days," is just as illusory as "victory by May 9" and other predictions of the so-called "special operation." Russia's current goals in the war are unknown - Putin no longer speaks of "demilitarization" and "denazification" of Ukraine; only the thesis of "protecting the residents of Donbas" is regularly heard.

The Kremlin is attempting, once again, to calm the disoriented and despairing Russian society with yet another false promise. For a long time, the world has been fed lies about the greatness of Russia. In reality, Russia has been reduced to nothing more than territory, and the number of "friends" is diminishing at a catastrophic pace. Concealing the negative consequences of the "liberation special operation" and the subsequent sanctions within the country is becoming increasingly difficult. Russia, having long lost its status as a superpower, is losing its position as a significant state. The inept policy of unchanging leadership has led the country into a state of dependence on the few remaining "allies." Even traditional allies are distancing themselves from Russia. There is no point in discussing other developed countries in the world. Russia has even lost influence over the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Economic ties with the West have collapsed. Perhaps Russia once had the chance to become one of the world's strongest economies, but it chose a different path. The result is isolation and degradation.

The demographic crisis, sanctions, capital flight, and the refusal of international corporations to operate in Russia are all consequences of Putin's brilliant plan, according to which "everything is going." If the goal of the "special operation" was to lead the country to economic collapse, poverty, disgrace, and exile from everywhere, to transform it into an outcast nation, then that goal is being successfully achieved.

Russia decided to "liberate" foreign territory, but in the end, it "liberates" its own people from prosperity. It seems that the fighting will have to continue until the economy of Russia is completely destroyed. The essence of this absurdity lies in the extravagant squandering of resources, most importantly, human lives. Now, the Kremlin is futilely seeking ways to pacify the deep-rooted populace due to the failure of Putin's "SMO." Sergey Shoygu's statement indicates that the Russian audience is being prepared for a protracted war. Perhaps this message was also launched specifically for Vladimir Putin's reelection, because without a war, the Russian dictator will have no chance of being reelected for another term.

None of the previously declared "objectives" of the so-called "SMO" has been achieved, and therefore, the failure of Putin's adventure is evident, with inevitable defeat awaiting him.

The Kremlin's involvement in a prolonged war only escalates the scale of Russia's impending catastrophe. Against the backdrop of Western arms and technology supplies to Ukraine, Shoygu's statements about the duration of the war and the buildup of Russia's military power are nothing more than a search for ways to pacify Russian society. Russia could have ended the war much faster by simply withdrawing occupying forces and compensating Ukraine for the damage caused by Putin's aggression through future reparations. Ukraine has not attacked anyone and rightfully demands a full withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory, including Crimea. Only under these conditions can this bloodshed be stopped.

Ukraine sets an example to the world that Putin can be effectively resisted, and the aggressive Russian military machine can be successfully countered. All that Ukraine needs is continued financial and military support. Additionally, ensuring complete and long-term isolation of Russia is necessary to bring Ukraine's victory to fruition and to close the chapter of military aggression in the world; otherwise, the world will constantly teeter on the brink of a Third World War and nuclear catastrophe.


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