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The removal of obstacles on the path from Kyiv to NATO is new support for Ukraine from the West

NATO allies of Ukraine have agreed to remove obstacles on the path from Kyiv to the Alliance. Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs D. Kuleba announced this on July 10th on his Twitter. This decision significantly accelerates Ukraine's accession to NATO and demonstrates undeniable support from the Alliance, with another proof being the package of long-term support. It will serve as a guarantee for strengthening and rearming the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which have become a guarantor of peace in Europe amidst growing Russian aggression.

NATO needs Ukraine as much as Ukraine needs membership in the Alliance. The risks and threats posed by Russia underscore the need for Europe's defense against occupation. On February 24, 2022, Putin opened the "geopolitical Pandora's box," starting the first aggressive war in Europe in decades. Under these circumstances, no EU/NATO country can feel secure, as the possibility of Russian invasion into Europe is far from rhetorical. Russia has become the greatest enemy of the civilized world, and the crimes committed by its army in Ukraine are an example of what awaits Europeans, whose hatred is cultivated by Putin's propaganda. Historically, Russian expansion ceased only when Russia lacked the resources to continue the war or when it realized it would have to fight a truly strong opponent. Under these circumstances, NATO must reaffirm its status as the strongest military organization of the present and do everything necessary for Ukraine's rapid integration.

The NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008 denied Ukraine and Georgia a MAP, as Brussels believed it would avoid a war with Russia. As subsequent events have shown, this decision became a "point of bifurcation" in European history and gave impetus to the aggressive wars waged by Russia.

In light of the above, the NATO Summit in Vilnius should become a significant event that demonstrates the unity and strength of the West and unwavering support for Ukraine, which, in its struggle for freedom, preserves the freedom of Europe. The Armed Forces of Ukraine will become a reliable shield for Europe against the Russian threat, as they have gained significant combat experience during the one and a half years of war with Russia. Conversely, if NATO does not dare to take decisive steps and provide real security guarantees to Ukraine, the latter will become a springboard for Russia's advance into Europe. Putin has posed not only an existential threat to Europe but also questioned its right to exist. Under these circumstances, delaying Ukraine's accession to NATO will become a precondition for the Third World War.


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