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The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution on an "immediate ceasefire" in the Gaza

On October 27, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution calling for "immediate and sustainable humanitarian cessation of hostilities" in the Gaza sector.

Representatives from 120 out of 193 member states of the United Nations present at the special session voted in support of this document. Fourteen countries voted against, while 45 abstained, including Ukraine.

The resolution was initially promoted by Jordan, which traditionally sides with the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel. The text of the resolution does not mention the terrorist group Hamas, and the demand to release Israeli servicemen taken hostage by Hamas militants is absent.

Prior to the vote, Canada's permanent representative to the UN, Bob Rae, proposed to include a mention of Hamas in the resolution's text, but his proposal was not accepted due to a lack of votes. Ukraine co-authored the mentioned amendment and considered it one of the key elements of the UNGA document.

Ukraine expressed regret that the proposal put forward by the Canadian delegation, along with more than two dozen UN member states, to condemn Hamas's terrorist actions, was not included in the final text of the United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for a "humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza.

In the commentary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is emphasized that Ukraine reaffirms its position on condemning rocket attacks and armed group Hamas's assaults against the Israeli population, as well as the taking of hostages, which has led to the current escalation and humanitarian suffering of the populations of Israel and Palestine.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry notes that the resolution contains important points regarding the humanitarian response to threats to the civilian population and civilian objects. In turn, Ukraine extends deep condolences to all victims of the conflict and calls for the adherence to the provisions of the resolution, which require the protection of civilians and civilian objects, as well as ensuring and facilitating humanitarian access for the civilian population throughout the Gaza sector to essential goods and services.

Ukraine fully supports the call to ensure immediate, full, sustainable, safe, and unimpeded humanitarian access for the UN and all other humanitarian organizations, as well as the establishment of humanitarian corridors and other initiatives to assist the civilian population. Ukraine calls for the full implementation of all these immediate tasks.

In the commentary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine's position is emphasized regarding its consistent support for the implementation of the two-state principle, Israel and Palestine, who will live side by side in peace and security. As a country that itself suffers from Russian attacks against the civilian population, Ukraine expresses deep condolences to all those affected by the conflict. Ukraine firmly advocates for the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through political and diplomatic means, particularly within the framework of the unconditional implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions and other international agreements.


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