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The war, security, migrants, and... the sacred

It's unlikely to be mistaken in saying that today the main process shaping a wide range of issues in Europe and perhaps in the world has become the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine. For over 500 days, Ukraine, its people, and Armed Forces have been holding back the armed aggression of Russia, which, in its cruelty and madness, defies modern civilizational concepts and principles. While repelling this onslaught and defending their land, the land of their history and ancestors, the Ukrainian people have demonstrated an unparalleled national patriotism and resilience. Frankly, it must be acknowledged that for the Ukrainian people, this war has truly become a national liberation struggle, as it puts at stake the existence of the country, the nation, its history, and if we speak in sacred terms, even the graves of their ancestors – the descendants of whom now live all over the world.

However, it is recognized that this war, unleashed by the Kremlin in the very heart of Europe and approaching the cruelty of WW2, has not only become a major trial for Ukraine but unintentionally has become a serious challenge for Europe and beyond, the foundation, and catalyst for many processes.

It is beyond doubt for anyone (especially European countries) that they had to revise their logistical and energy ties, and as a result, the questions of the sustainability of national economies arose. The military question became critical, the quantity and readiness of available military equipment and armaments, their effectiveness. The issue of migration and refugees reached a new level. Ultimately, all these aspects formed a common question – the question of collective, global security in all its spheres: military, economic, energy-related, political, demographic, migratory, and even, as demonstrated by the events at the Khakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in Ukraine, environmental. The heap of internal problems turned out to be substantial. However, even the most negative phenomena provide valuable lessons and form experience.

Furthermore, for Europe, especially its eastern part, the threat of Russian military invasion has become a real concern. And, it is frankly evident that it is Ukraine that has borne the burden of ensuring European security. It seems that as long as the Russian army remains entangled in battles in the Ukrainian Donbass, there is no direct threat to Europe from Kherson and Zaporizhia.

However, the West cannot stand aloof from events in Ukraine, and it is hardly an error to assume that the future world order is being shaped on the battlefields in Ukraine. The effectiveness of Ukrainian resistance, particularly in the military aspect, has been significantly influenced and continues to be influenced by the support of the collective West. The financial and, of course, the military-technical assistance from partner countries, especially NATO members, has been invaluable. With a touch of irony, it can be said that the decision to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine is both necessary and pragmatic in all respects, given the potential possibility of fighting with Russians in Europe. Russia, displaying its aggressive nature, has become an enemy to the entire civilized world.

As a result of this war, it should be noted that Ukraine now possesses the most experienced army in Europe and has achieved a level of cooperation with NATO that is unparalleled and perhaps unseen in most countries around the world. Military experts around the globe give the highest ratings to the professionalism and actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the effectiveness of using the technology and weaponry provided by their partners. According to statements from some European leaders, this war has become a modern testing ground. Undoubtedly, wars have always been and continue to be ideal testing grounds for refining tactics and combat application of various technologies and weaponry. This war was no exception. However, such acknowledgments do not make it any easier for Ukrainians living in a war-torn country. But they have limited options, as in war, it's either you or them...

Ukrainians are sincerely grateful for the support of ordinary citizens from many countries around the world, and their simple humanitarian assistance is difficult to overestimate. Special respect goes to representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora, migrant refugees, and volunteers. Often, they become the initiators and driving force behind processes aimed at providing assistance to Ukraine in their host countries.

The support of the Ukrainian people and the broad global community has become the cornerstone of the successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enormous losses of over 240,000 Russian military personnel have forced the Russian leadership to resort to ongoing mobilization efforts. These mobilizations began in the autumn of 2022 and continue to this day, despite previous statements from the Russian leadership about their cessation. Open sources indicate that the Russian military is planning to increase its numbers to 1.5 million. It is doubtful that such a large force is needed solely for self-defense.

Here, it is essential to examine this outlined question in more detail, not just the "partial mobilization" occurring in Russia but also its global implications. Naturally, the mobilization process has encountered several difficulties, including growing discontent among the Russian population, a labor shortage in factories, low levels of support for military personnel, and various actions by the Russian government aimed at withholding due financial support to the families of deceased and injured soldiers. As evident, these problems are numerous and increasing with each passing day. Perhaps under their weight, the Putin regime will realize that carrying on the war until a "victorious end" is impossible. Further advancement of the regime's ambitious foreign policy aspirations may lead to internal negative and irreversible socio-economic and demographic processes. So, let's wish them "good luck," although it's the Russian population that we genuinely feel sorry for... Although, they say every nation deserves its government! Let them draw their own conclusions...

Moreover, the mobilization processes in Russia have had ripple effects beyond its borders. Even before the Russian armed invasion of Ukraine, practically every media channel in Russia was filled with propagandist voices decrying the alleged injustice of the world's distribution of spheres of influence, the suppression of Russia's national interests, the expulsion of Russia from various economic platforms, and the perceived "hostile external military environment," particularly NATO. Long before the war began, many Russian citizens, aware of the likely course of events and the potential consequences, weighed the pros and cons of staying in a country preparing for war (which eventually involved the whole world). In anticipation of these developments, they quietly packed their bags and "patriotically" left for peaceful and prosperous countries in Europe or America.

With the onset of military actions, especially when it became clear that the Russian military couldn't achieve a swift victory in Ukraine, many "patriots" also sought to leave Russia before the authorities started their mobilization efforts. According to data from open sources, over 800,000 such individuals fled, a figure comparable to the 500,000 mobilized by Russia. The conclusions are self-evident.

Fleeing direct involvement in Putin's war with Ukraine, a considerable number of these "Russian patriots" migrated to European countries. There, whether intoxicated by the true air of democracy (a dream in Russia) or simply having lost their reason and conscience, they began actively supporting the Kremlin dictator's bloody intentions, so to speak, "waging war with their tongues." However, words can cause substantial harm, just like actions on the battlefield. The newcomers in Europe, especially the most "active" among them, seemed to embrace propagandist activities promoted by Russian (pro-Russian) communities. They vigorously advance Kremlin narratives to the audience in their host countries, engage in information warfare, primarily aiming to diminish support for Ukraine from the host governments and discredit Ukrainian refugees. They organize and participate in anti-Ukrainian actions and rallies, causing considerable trouble for local authorities and law enforcement, destabilizing the European civil society, which upholds principles of national tolerance and respect.

They mainly argue that the European community is "tired" of Ukraine due to the costs involved in supporting it and the Ukrainian migrants. However, it is widely known that Ukrainians are a hardworking nation, and they have not become a burden on the European community. Instead, they have actively sought opportunities in the labor market. The current situation indicates that the cumulative income generated by Ukrainian migrants in Europe has exceeded social welfare expenditures.

Furthermore, propagandists attempt to convince Western audiences that Ukraine poses a threat to the whole of Europe, portraying it as a terrorist state. They argue that Ukraine shouldn't be subsidized or supported by democratic societies since the weapons provided to Ukraine by Western partners end up on the "black market." However, this argument stands in contrast to the successes demonstrated by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in effectively utilizing the received military assistance.

Summarizing all aspects of such activity from Russia's side (specifically Russia, as undoubtedly its special services are behind it), one can conclude that it significantly harms not only Ukraine but also the countries where these actions unfold. The modern information space is boundless, filled with an overwhelming amount of information, and unfortunately, much of it is deceitful. The population of European countries, absorbing such "information garbage," involuntarily becomes embroiled in social disputes, further destabilizing those respective nations.

Russian propaganda, through its "talking heads," actively promotes the idea of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, and unfortunately, amidst the current global crises, this idea gains traction. However, one must ask: isn't it shameful, civilized Western community, in front of those Ukrainians who defend their country under heavy fire with weapons in hand, ready to confront the enemy almost barehanded? Isn't it shameful in front of those Ukrainians who produce goods for the military and the nation in factories, private garages, or even semi-destroyed premises? Isn't it shameful in front of Ukrainian workers in social and energy infrastructures, who perform heroic deeds to ensure normal living conditions in the country? And, lastly, isn't it shameful in front of ordinary citizens, both in Ukraine and beyond, who fight back the onslaught of the Russian military with their struggle, often risking their lives?

Are the existing temporary difficulties in prosperous Europe an objective reason to disregard principles of freedom, justice, democracy, and acknowledge the right of brute force and impudence?

I especially want to address Ukrainians - those who left Ukraine in different times and are now citizens of other countries, those who consider Ukraine their homeland, and those who remember their ancestral roots. To Ukrainian citizens who involuntarily became refugees. Respected global UKRAINIANS! Today, more than ever, the fate of Ukraine lies in your hands - in our hands! The decision on the existence of our nation, its history, depends on ALL OF US. It is our responsibility to determine whether the sacred place of our ancestors - UKRAINE - will continue to exist, granting us the right to call ourselves UKRAINIANS!

It may seem that the author is biased towards Ukrainian topics. To some extent, that is true, as there are distant roots connecting the author to the historical homeland of ancestors. However, in every good family, memories of ancestors, their land, and their contributions to descendants are cherished.

Throughout different historical epochs, active migration processes have always occurred in the world. Nowadays, another migration is taking place. The main driving force behind whole nations leaving their ancestral lands is the pursuit of security and stability. Such is human nature.

The straightforward and simple conclusion from all that has been said is that taming the aggressor, achieving peace and stability at any cost, is the key to progressive civilizational development for the global community. And, as cliché as it may sound, Ukraine's current role in resisting Russian armed aggression, being a battleground amidst civilization, holds crucial significance. At the very least, in the European region. It so happened that the resolution of global security issues directly depends on the resilience of small Ukraine. And if it does not hold, who is next?


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