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Torture, hunger, and sexual violence: Russian military crimes have all the signs of genocide

According to a new UN report, as a result of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, around 9,600 peaceful Ukrainians have died, and 17,500 have been injured and traumatized. Additionally, there may be around 10,000 Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia and on the occupied territories of Ukraine. It should be noted that this statistics is conditional: Russians do not provide information about the casualties among peaceful Ukrainians living in the occupied areas and the number of Ukrainian servicemen taken prisoner.

Torture, hunger, and sexual violence: Russian military crimes have all the signs of genocide
Torture, hunger, and sexual violence: Russian military crimes have all the signs of genocide

Crimes committed by Russian military personnel against both the civilian population of Ukraine and captured members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have all the signs of genocide, encouraged by the Kremlin. The nature and frequency of crimes committed against Ukrainians argue in favor of this being a deliberate course of action, part of Russia's policy towards Ukraine. Its goal is the physical destruction of the Ukrainian people based on their nationality. Ukrainian soldiers returned from Russian captivity tell of the horrors they had to endure in Russia. Beatings and torture are the most common crimes committed against captured Ukrainian soldiers. Some of them become victims of sexual violence, and medical assistance is not even provided to pregnant women, while starvation torture has become another instrument of cruel abuse. Some Ukrainian soldiers lost up to 25 kg of weight during their two months in Russian captivity and were in an extremely depleted state.

The above-listed evidence is more than compelling proof of the genocide carried out by Putin against Ukrainians. Every new day brings new victims among peaceful Ukrainians and members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Russia seeks to inflict as much damage as possible on Ukraine, including through torture and the killing of its citizens. Accordingly, this is an undeniable argument to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism at the parliamentary level in Western countries.


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