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Trading Ukrainian land for peace with Russia echoes the 1938 Munich Agreement disaster

On August 15th, NATO's Chief of Staff Stian Jenssen stated that the integration of Ukraine into the Alliance could theoretically be considered if Kyiv rejects the Ukrainian territories currently under Russian occupation. Given Russia's escalating provocations towards Europe and the ongoing hybrid war against the West, such a decision would result in fatal consequences. It is relevant to recall the infamous Munich Agreement of 1938, where key European countries believed that appeasing Hitler by surrendering Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland would satisfy the Nazi leader's ambitions. In reality, this agreement became a precursor to the Second World War. Putin thinks along the same lines as Hitler, prioritizing strength above all. Actions involving Ukrainian territories would be interpreted by him as a sign of weakness, leading Russia to promptly prepare for the next phase of war, this time against Europe.

Russia systematically heightens risks and threats against Europe. Russian missiles and drones fly in close proximity to EU and NATO countries. The influx of illegal migrants from the Middle East storming the Belarusian-Polish and Belarusian-Latvian borders is orchestrated by Russian intelligence services. The presence of the 'Wagner Group' in Belarus presents a challenge to neighboring European countries, as this private army could be utilized for subversive activities - experienced mercenaries capable of carrying out attacks and acts of terrorism could destabilize border regions of Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. The Kremlin not only initiated a full-scale annexation of Ukraine in the 21st century but also emerged as the architect of an entirely new concept of hybrid warfare, which is already being waged against Europe.

In the context of the aforementioned, any negotiations with Putin, who openly proclaims the West as an enemy of Russia, are unacceptable. Russia has evolved into a source of risks and threats for Europe, effectively becoming a state-terrorist. Putin aims to revive the Russian Empire and its geopolitical influence, implying that the war might extend beyond Ukraine and reach Europe. The occupied territories of Ukraine must be reclaimed; otherwise, Putin will exploit them for a new offensive. Peace and stability in Europe hinge on the outcome of the war in Ukraine - the Ukrainian Armed Forces must receive all necessary support to evict Russians from Ukrainian soil. Only by doing so can the threat of further territorial expansion by Russia into Europe be neutralized.



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