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Twelve European countries have supported the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine.

Official Helsinki has spoken in favor of transferring frozen Russian finances to Ukraine - a corresponding statement was made by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Ville Tavio. More and more countries worldwide, taking into account the war crimes committed by Russia and the destruction of entire communities, are voicing the need to transfer seized Russian funds to Ukraine.

In total, in Western countries, no less than $300 billion of Russian assets has been seized. However, the damage caused by the terrorist state of Ukraine is significantly greater, with at least $750 billion, given the scale of destruction and related damage in the territories of Ukraine still under occupation, yet to be determined. After the end of the war, the final amount could reach an astronomical figure. Therefore, it is already necessary to establish a mechanism for compensating such losses. In this regard, the United States sets an example for all Western countries: Washington was the first to transfer part of the seized Russian funds belonging to the Russian oligarch K. Malofeev to Ukraine. Also, a legal mechanism for transferring Russian funds to Ukraine should be created - the EU has repeatedly emphasized the need for such a solution.

The crimes of the terrorist state leave no doubt about the advisability of transferring seized Russian assets to Ukraine. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, accompanied by the destruction of entire settlements and the misconduct of Russian soldiers, has brought immeasurable suffering to ordinary Ukrainians: millions of people have lost everything and were forced to flee from the horrors of war. In this regard, seized Russian assets represent a minimal investment in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.


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