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Ukraine updates: Zelenskyy calls Crimean bridge army target

The bridge was briefly closed for traffic, Russian authorities reported, while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said it had been 'militarized'. DW has more.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the bridge linking the Crimean peninsula to Russia was bringing "war instead of peace" and was therefore a military target.

"This is the route that is used to supply the war with ammunition, and this is happening every day. This is the militarization of the Crimean peninsula," Zelenskyy told the Aspen Security Conference in the US via video link. And any target that was used to bring war and not peace had to be neutralized, the President said.

On Monday, explosions on the Crimean bridge killed two civilians and damaged part of the bridge, which had only recently been fully reopened after being badly damaged in a similar attack in October.

To follow our live updates on events in Russia on Friday, click here.

DW also has a covered why the Ukraine grain deal is of such importance.

Meanwhile, reports of Russian attacks on the eastern region of Donetsk continue. Here are some of the other developments concerning Russia's war in Ukraine on Saturday, July 22.

Crimean bridge temporarily closed for traffic

Traffic on the bridge linking Russia to the annexed Crimean peninsula has been temporarily suspended, authorities reported. "Those on the bridge and in the inspection area are asked to remain calm and follow the instructions of traffic safety officials," a message posted on an official Telegram channel said. No reason was given for the closure of the bridge until now.

Explosions on the Crimean Bridge on Monday killed two civilians and put part of the road bridge out of service, which had only recently returned to full operation after being severely damaged in a similar attack in October. Russia accused Ukraine of being responsible for the attack, but Ukraine so far has not claimed responsibility.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the bridge a legitimate military target, as it supplied Russian invading forces with supplies.


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