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Ukrainian grain - a salvation from hunger for African countries

The Kremlin threatens to withdraw from the grain agreement, which expires on January 17. Ukraine is one of the key food producers in the world and a guarantee of preventing a global food crisis. In 2022 alone, Ukrainian grain saved 100 million people from malnutrition in African and Asian countries. The Kremlin deliberately provokes global hunger to achieve its own goals on the international stage. Africa is traditionally vulnerable in terms of continuous food supplies: Russia uses this factor to establish its influence and gain access to the resources of the continent. If the grain agreement is not extended, it will create artificial hunger in Africa and a subsequent flow of refugees from regions that will inevitably be affected by war.

Russia actively uses non-military threats to destabilize entire continents. Provoking global hunger is a classic example of such tactics. At the beginning of the full-scale war with Ukraine, Russia started a blockade of Black Sea ports, whose facilities were used to transport Ukrainian grain. Through the efforts of the international community, the maritime blockade was mitigated last summer, but currently, Russia threatens to withdraw from the grain agreement. It is not difficult to guess that if stable grain supplies from Ukraine are prevented, total hunger will affect a number of countries in Africa and Asia. Russia is interested in gaining access to African resources. Russian PMCs are present in several countries on the mentioned continent, and the Kremlin systematically provides weapons to separate military-political forces that seek to seize power by force. For example, Russia supplies weapons to the forces of General M. Daglo in Sudan, where periodic fighting has been taking place since April of this year. This example confirms that wherever Russia appears, wars and violence begin. Ukrainian grain should be transported by sea without hindrance - all countries in the world, except for the Russian Federation, are interested in this. The Kremlin should receive a clear signal about the inadmissibility of food terror, which would bring disaster to all of humanity.


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