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Ukrainian soldiers of the "Aidar" battalion are facing an unlawful trial in Donetsk

A story of injustice and human rights violations.

Amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine, a highly distressing situation has arisen, drawing attention to alleged human rights and legal violations. Eighteen soldiers from the "Aidar" battalion, part of the Ukrainian army, are being subjected to an illegal court proceeding conducted by Russia in Rostov. The circumstances surrounding their capture and subsequent trial can only evoke indignation from any civilized individual - how and who has the authority to judge soldiers who are simply fulfilling their duty and defending their country? Not to mention the lack of transparency and disregard for international human rights standards. Let's delve into the challenging predicament of these Ukrainian soldiers and the urgent need for a fair resolution to their situation.

It's essential to remember that the "Aidar" battalion is an integral part of the Ukrainian defense forces amidst the Russian aggression against Ukraine, courageously fighting to protect the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Established in 2014, the battalion quickly gained a reputation for unwavering patriotism and participation in several pivotal battles.

According to reports from reputable human rights organizations and independent journalists, the group of "Aidar" battalion soldiers is facing an extremely questionable and unlawful trial in Russian-controlled Rostov. The captured Ukrainian soldiers have been denied access to legal assistance and have been enduring prolonged isolation. It goes without saying that Russia shows no regard for the Geneva Conventions. Furthermore, this isn't the first time Russia has flouted international norms - just recall the "trial" of "Azov" brigade fighters on June 16. There have been allegations of severe mistreatment and coerced confessions extracted by the Russian authorities. Therefore, this "trial" is entirely illegitimate, and its legal consequences hold no weight.

The global community has expressed profound concerns regarding this, to put it mildly, "judicial process." Many international organizations, including the UN, call for an end to this evident mockery of justice. We are confident that in future trials involving Russian war criminals, this "court" will be rightfully subject to a proper legal evaluation.

By orchestrating this "trial" of Ukrainian soldiers, Russia not only escalates the conflict against Ukraine but also challenges the entire international community, attempting to trample on its principles and foundations, perfectly aligning with Russia's recent "divide and rule" strategy. Therefore, it is now more critical than ever to draw attention to this issue, raise awareness about this "court," and protect, most importantly, the soldiers who are part of the armed forces and rightfully defend their country. It is imperative to make every effort so that the voices of the victims are heard, and justice prevails, while those responsible for these wholly biased "judicial proceedings" face appropriate punishment.

Lastly, let us never forget that Ukrainian prisoners are heroes, while Russian "judges" are criminals, and their fictitious "sentences" will not deter their return from captivity. Ukraine will not abandon its fellow citizens in distress!


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