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Western weaponry has become the key to the successful counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army

During September 26-27, the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out a series of effective offensive operations.

In particular, they advanced on the Zaporizhzhia direction, securing positions on the northern outskirts of Novoprokopivka. The Ukrainian army is strengthening its positions on this front, creating a bridgehead for an advance on Tokmak, a crucial Russian logistics hub. On the Donetsk front, Ukrainian defenders engaged in 12 combat clashes, attempting to push the enemy east of the liberated Klyshchyvka and gain control of the railway. This will prevent the supply of weapons to Russian troops. The main goal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is to destroy the Russian military reserve and create conditions for the collapse of the Russian defense. Currently, the Russian occupation group in the south has visibly weakened: all attempts by Russian forces to counterattack Ukrainian positions have ended in failure and significant losses.

The undeniable successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the counteroffensive have been noted by Western officials and have contributed to further support for Ukraine. In particular, the Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, announced that the first batch of F-16 fighter jets will be delivered to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by 2024. Currently, Ukrainian pilots are undergoing the necessary training at military bases in Europe. With the help of these aircraft, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to deliver powerful strikes deep into the Russian defense, destroying Russian military equipment, especially air defense systems and Russian fighter jets. In recent months, the Ukrainian army has destroyed a record number of enemy military equipment, including tanks, self-propelled artillery, multiple rocket launch systems, and many air defense assets, some of which were located even in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea. After receiving the F-16s, losses of Russian military equipment will increase significantly.

Modern Western weaponry represents the most effective defense against Putin's territorial expansion. Thanks to the steady supply of necessary weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Russian army has lost more than 50% of its reserves. Accordingly, support for Ukraine must be sufficient to inflict a decisive defeat on Russia. This is the only way to eliminate the threat of its invasion into Europe.


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