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Why is Putin floating the idea of the possibility of negotiations to the West?

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently made a series of statements during his visit to China, in his usual cynical style, regarding the war against Ukraine and peace negotiations. Peace negotiations that, judging by regular statements, seem to be ardently desired in Moscow. Based on this, it can be concluded that Russia is increasingly interested in negotiations.

However, Putin attributes this interest to Ukraine and its Western partners. What is also striking is that, according to the Russian president's statements, his ego was hurt by Kiev's refusal to negotiate with him. "If the Ukrainian side really wants a negotiation process, it should not be done with theatrical gestures. The first thing to do is to repeal the decree of the Ukrainian president prohibiting negotiations. We hear now that they are ready for some kind of negotiation," Putin said.

He also couldn't resist resorting to the favorite mantra of Russian propaganda that the West is "tired" of the war in Ukraine. The efforts of Western countries to avoid the continuation of bloodshed and destruction are interpreted by Putin as a sign of weakness. "Even the responsible figures in foreign policy, who were talking not so long ago about the importance of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield, are now speaking in a different voice, already talking about the need to solve these issues through peace negotiations. This is a good transformation, a transformation in the right direction. Mr. Borrell is already talking about it. I will praise him for that. But it is not enough. Concrete steps need to be taken. If there is a real willingness to negotiate," the Kremlin dictator began.

According to the situation that has developed on the front, the freezing of the war is beneficial only for Moscow. Due to the ongoing Arab-Israeli war and the situation in the United States, Putin is deluding himself into thinking that he will not lose this war. He deliberately prolongs hostilities to last at least until the presidential elections in the United States.

Currently, neither Ukraine nor Russia are ready for agreements on the cessation of hostilities. This is why Putin is floating the idea of the possibility of reaching an agreement to the West. On what conditions? Of course, on his conditions. This would be unacceptable for both Ukraine and the West.

Currently, there is a certain solidarity among Western partners, there is coordination of actions, and an understanding that Ukraine cannot be coerced or pushed towards an unfavorable peace.


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